
Weapon Credits and Modifications

With few exceptions the modified weapons are based on upon the original games assets and resources. We affirm no ownership of these modifications and copyright lies solely with the original creators from Valve or Gearbox. All weapons belong to their original creators. We distribute these modifications, non-commercially, to bring a new audience to the original games. You must own legitimate copies of the original games and therefore models to be able to play these games with modified weapons.

The below represents our usage of weapons and modifications included in the package we supply. We have spent a very long time trying to get this right both from a technical and license standpoint. We thought it was worth explaining exactly our process and the decisions made.

Firstly it is worth spelling out that no part of Half Life assets are actually included in the Lambda1VR modification. We require users to have a full legal version of the game and give the instructions to copy these assets across for the modification to work. The core weapons in Half Life are compiled with settings that cause issues with the VR version:

  1. They often have idle animations that move the gun around despite the player not moving their hand. In some conditions this can cause weapons to jump around as seen with the crowbar in our first release.
  2. The guns have a pre-defined Eye-Position. This is assuming the person has a static distance between the eye and weapon (as is normal in a pancake FPS). This means any rotation is based upon this position as a centre of origin.
  3. For optimisation purposes a lot of the guns are missing textures and modelling from the sides that a pancake player would not be able to see. When a VR player rotates the gun parts look invisible.
  4. A lot of weapons have hands that contradict where the VR players hands are leading to a loss of immersion.

We therefore endeavoured to try and replace these weapons across the board for a better experience. This includes sourcing full body weapons (solving point 3), which are very hard to come by. We also look to remove any hands from weapons, move the weapon centre of origin to exactly the correct position and provide a blank animation for any idling. However by doing this we are immediately going from a situation of providing no assets and IP (Valve or otherwise) to a point where these are included and we are responsible to ensure we are not infringing on any copyright. Therefore we aimed to follow the correct licensing and crediting procedures.

Finding and contacting modellers proved to be an almost impossible task. This is in no small fact due to the age of the game and a lot of weapons are over 10 years old. Additionally a lot of models have been re-uplaoded to sites like Game Banana or Gamer Lab without the original credits. When credits are mentioned it is often just the name and that user has no profile on the site for us to contact. Since a lot of these models are also combinations of many users work, one could potentially assume that each contributor is happy with re-using the assets as long as it is within a non-commercial environment. A lot of weapons are included in packs where the credits are combined and not broken down by model. We have therefore done our utmost to search for the original modeller and credit accordingly. We have had to assume that since a lot of models have been uploaded and are publicly available without asserting copyright that we may use them. In these cases we have linked below the site where the model was found. We should also assert that Lambda1VR in a non-profit modification and is not intended for any sort of commercial use.

If you are a contributor or the original modeller to any of the models used, and you do not wish for the model to be included or you would like the credits changed, please contact us at and we will remove the model immediately or update this credits list accordingly.

Previous Releases

In the initial release we used a selection of weapons from FormicSapien. These have been removed in the latest version (V1.1.0). You can see the final versions of these weapons in the upcoming Max Vollmer PCVR Half Life modification. We would like to thank FormicSapien for use of these.

Current Release

  • Crowbar: Sourced from Game Banana. CREDITS: Bobito Pawner - animations and original compile, Loyen - crowbar model, -tWo- - crowbar texture, redfox765 - recompile
  • Handgun (Colt M1911 Grey): Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. However we believe that this is the same model on Game Banana. On that page it is credited to: End Of Days (Peewees, Animations Port, Gold Reskin), Fox-Mike, Iono (Model), Wannabe (Skin), StrykerWolf (Animations), Vunsunta(Sounds, Ambient, Impact, Arm Model, Texture)
  • 357 (Colt Phyton): Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. We could not find this model elsewhere. If you are the original author of this model please contact us at as we would love to credit you properly
  • Colt AR-16: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. We could not find this model elsewhere. If you are the original author of this model please contact us as at we would love to credit you properly
  • Benelli M3 Shotgun: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Flisk. We could not find this model elsewhere. If you are the original author of this model please contact us as at we would love to credit you properly
  • Crossbow: Sourced from Mod DB. This uses the crossbow from the free Black Mesa Mod released in 2012. All credits for that model should go to Crowbar Collective. We contacted the team on facebook and they confirmed that we can use models from that free mod release as long as we credit them. This model features an additional animation from ^^MTB_-_Animations^^
  • RGD-5 Grenade: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. We could not find this model elsewhere. If you are the original author of this model please contact us as at we would love to credit you properly
  • C4 Charge: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. We could not find this model elsewhere. If you are the original author of this model please contact us as at we would love to credit you properly
  • Tripmine: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. Credits (as per Gamer-lab): End Of Days, Twinke Masta, Ezequiel-TM, anonymous
  • RPG: Sourced from Gamer-Lab. On the Gamer Lab page no author is mentioned although it is uploaded by Zhe_Holti. However we believe that this is the same model on Game Banana. On that page it is credited to: GSC Game World, superpele and Millenia. We are aware that this model is similar to the RPG in the STALKER series. Since it is published on this page with a Creative Commons license, we have assumed this is inspired by that game and remodelled by Superpele, rather than just taken. However if this is not the case please contact us as at and we will immediately remove this model.
  • Gauss / HGun / Egon / Squeak: Sourced from Half Life Overhaul Pack as compiled and improved by Qwertyus. You can find a full list of credits for that pack here. Unfortunately the credits do not match names to the original models however all authors should be included there.

Opposing Force

  • Displacer: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to Master07
  • Spore Launcher: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to Master07
  • Roach: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to ZPM
  • Pipe Wrench: Sourced from Game Banana. This is an original model from Suparsonik, utilising the original textures.
  • Knife: Sourced from Game Banana. This is an original model from Suparsonik, utilising the original textures.
  • Barnacle: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to NickSven
  • Saw: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to Master07
  • Sniper Rifle: Sourced from Game Banana. Credit for this model goes to Master07
  • Desert Eagle: Sourced from Game Banana. Credits go to vasht1985 : Creator model | General TSO : Creator Anims Desert Eagle | Millenia : Creator Texture Stoke : Creator Hands (Unused) | Ataky: Change Texture and Hands, Port to cs:cz to HL:OP

Lambda1VR is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with Valve Corporation, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. Lambda1VR is an unofficial port of the Xash3D-FWGS engine, which was originally written by Uncle Mike as a fully compatible open-source GoldSrc engine alternative, more details on that extraordinary project can be found here: However this port (Lambda1VR) is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the Xash3D team. This port was developed using the now deprecated Xash3D port found here: